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  Telefoni:        e-mail:
     phone/fax:  ++387 (0)32 881 774                   dragan.trogrlic@tel.net.ba    
     mob:           ++387 (0)61 461 517        
  Preparati Ive i Dragana Trogrlića se mogu nabaviti jedino preko Dren doo. Žepče     





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Bukovik 3 
72230 Žepce B & H


Phone/fax: ++387 (0) 32 881-774
Mob: ++387 (0) 61-461-517

WEB: www.dren-trogrlic.com
dren logo

Transakcijski račun broj: 1610750003290068 otvoren kod Raifeisen bank
Identifikacijski broj: 4218373850004
Direktor poduzeća: Dragan Trogrlić, Bukovik 3


    Kratak pregled aktivnosti poduzeća




Katalog biljnih preparata u PDF formatu možete preuzet na link: PDF katalog.

Katalog biljnih preparata u PDF formatu možete preuzet na link: PDF catalogue.

Iskustvo od preko 30 godina naučno-istraživačkog rada mr.sc.med.biokemije Ive Trogrlića i njegovih sinova Dragana i Zorana Trogrlića, rezultiralo je brojnim biljnim preparatima za liječenje nekih bolesti, od kojih su najbolje rezultate pokazali  preparati za regulaciju hormonskih poremećaja. Za ove preparate osnivač poduzeća „DREN“ mr.sc.med.biokemije Ivo Trogrlić je dobio brojna međunarodna priznanja iz područja medicine, od kojih su najznačajnije medalje:


  • Specijalno priznanje na međunarodnoj izložbi inovacija u Ženevi 2003. godine
    (najveće priznanje koje je Asocijacija inovatora BiH ikada dobila)
  • Specijalno priznanje na međunarodnoj izložbi inovacija u Parizu 2003. godine

  • Bronzana medalja na međunarodnoj izložbi u Nirnbergu 2003. godine

  • Zlatna medalja na međunarodnom festivalu inovacija u Novom Sadu 2004.g.





Nakon svih ovih priznanja rodila se ideja da se ovi preparati komercijaliziraju, i kao plod te ideje nastalo je poduzeće „DREN“ d.o.o. Žepče, koje su osnovali Ivo i Dragan Trogrlić, čija je osnovna djelatnost  proizvodnja vlastitih preparat na biljnoj bazi. Najznačajniji proizvodi su:

  • „VINKA“ – preparat koji regulira hormonske poremećaja štitaste žlijezde.

  • „VIOLA“ – preparat koji regulira hormonske poremećaje ženskih spolnih organa.

  • „PROSTATA“ -  preparat koji regulira hormonske poremećaje prostate.

  • „STERILITET“ - preparat koji omogućava začeće ako je uzrok steriliteta hormonske prirode.

  • „ADENOM HIPOFIZE“ - preparat čije korištenje unutar 5 mjeseci, kod većine oboljelih dovodi do smanjenja razine prolaktina i smanjenja tumorske mase.



About the company DREN


The DREN company was founded 30 years ago by the biochemist Mr.sc.med. Ivo Trogrlic and his two sons Dragan and Zoran Trogrlic.

Ivo Trogrlic was a great talent in his field and was even student of the year in Sarajevo. He worked first as a biology professor and then in the laboratory. His passion was nature and studying plants and their healing powers.

The company's scientific work resulted in numerous preparations for the treatment of certain diseases, but it turned out that the best results were obtained with preparations for the regulation of hormonal disorders.

For these herbal preparations, the DREN company has received numerous international awards in the field of medicine, including the following:


  • Special recognition at the International Innovation Exhibition in Geneva, 2003
    (The highest recognition the Association of Innovators of BiH has ever received)
  • Special recognition at the International Exhibition of Innovators in Paris, 2003

  • Bronze medal at the International Exhibition in Nuremberg, 2003

  • Gold medal at the International Innovation Festival in Novi Sad, 2004


After all these recognitions, the idea was born to commercialize these preparations, and as a result of this idea, the company DREN d.o.o. was created by Ivo and Dragan Trogrlić, whose main activity is the production of their own herbal preparations. 
The most important products are:


  • „VINKA“ – preparation that regulates hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland.

  • „VIOLA“ – preparation that regulates hormonal disorders of the female genital organs.

  • „PROSTATE“ -  preparation that regulates hormonal disorders of the prostate.

  • „STERILITY“ - preparation that enables conception if the cause of sterility is hormonal in nature.

  • „PITUITARY ADENOMA“ -preparation whose use within 5 months, in most patients leads to a decrease in prolactin levels and a decrease in tumor mass.


The preparations contain only plant parts and have no other additives. The plants are collected by special people in nature, far from the city. Some varieties are also harvested. It is important that the plants are completely clean and free of chemicals. The plants are also dried in a natural and gentle way. The products are 100% natural.





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